With a long manufacturing history of trolley cases, SanZhiNiao Leather Co.,Ltd, a professional manufacturer,is situated in Baigou—the capital of Chinese luggage with a great advantage of transportation facility, highways extending in all direction, rich both in human resources and material resources. Therefore, it is an ideal place for development. Our company has a powerful strengh of technical research and design, and has a complete set of advaced production equipment. The company mainly produces trolley cases, with fashionable design, high quality and reasonable price. Therefore, we receive great trust from the customers home and abroad.
Our company adheres that quality is the foundation of market-opening, price is a bridge to seize the market. We welcome the customers both new and old, home and abroad to visit us.
高碑店市三只鸟皮具有限公司是一家历史悠久的生产箱包的企业,公司所在地是全国有名的箱包之都--白沟,交通便利,高速公路四通八达,人力物力资源丰富,是理想的发展之地.公司技术力量雄厚,生产设备先进.主要生产拉杆箱.产品款式新颖,质量上乘,价廉物美.由于其质优价廉,深受国内外广 ...展开
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